Personal Blog

My Journey continues – Navigating the Sticky Middle (Part 2)

This post picks up where we left off (click here to read part 1), diving deeper into my journey to share the insights and realizations that have shaped my path. It’s crucial for me to open up about these experiences, hoping to resonate with you and illustrate that anything is achievable.

Indeed, I’m no different from anyone else; we all have unique gifts waiting to be discovered. Finding that special something, as I did, is the first step toward transformation.

The Decision That Sparked a Journey

Deciding to start a blog was a pivotal moment. Making that choice filled me with a mix of excitement and fear – a sure sign I was on the right track. Committing to this project meant stepping into the unknown, especially given my basic tech knowledge. Seeking help, I enrolled in a course to learn the ins and outs of blogging, investing not just my time but also my finances. This investment underscored a valuable lesson:


This phrase never rang truer. Fully invested, I dove into creating something I deeply cared about, driven by my passion to assist others. Embracing this challenge was my way of defining what it means to live agelessly.

Building from the Ground Up

Crafting my website, ‘Ageless Lifestyle with Kath’, took about six to eight weeks of navigating through unfamiliar territory – domain names, hosting platforms, WordPress, SEOs, and so much more. This process, which started out as building a website; evolved into more than that. It became a journey of self-discovery, pushing my boundaries, and exploring my potential.

A Path of Self-Discovery

Looking back at my younger self – the girl who always played it safe – this venture felt almost rebellious. Here I was in the safety of my hub. Family business that was doing well, kids all grown up. Why rock the boat. My husband saw it as reckless (ironic given his own daring nature). He soon came round, I guess he had to, as he saw how determined I was.

This journey, though centered around creating something tangible, evolved into a profound exploration of my identity and capabilities. Hence, I’ve come to call this phase my ‘sticky middle’, where many find themselves lost.

Facing Doubts and Gaining Perspective

Post-website launch, I grappled with self-doubt and the fear of being out of my depth. Was I ready to quit?

The sudden loss of my father amidst this turmoil profoundly changed my perspective on life. His passing reminded me of our finite time and the importance of seizing the moment, living by design rather than by default, as my coach Julie Ciardi brilliantly put it.

Choosing to Live by Design

The cliché “life is too short” never felt more apt. I was determined to push forward, no longer allowing excuses to delay my blog’s launch. “Coming Soon!” would no longer cut it.

Finally, just after Christmas, I hit the ‘go live’ button, marking the beginning of an incredible adventure.

So far it has been an incredible journey. Another thing that rang true here is when people say –
“Enjoy the journey, enjoy the process. It’s not about the goal!”

Stay tuned for the next chapter of my journey.