Mind,  Personal Blog

My first thoughts in the morning

woman watching morning sunrise

My first thoughts in the morning has either a positive or negative effect on my body. When I start my day in lack, dread and stress, my body is in a defence mode. Which means I am feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or defensive. However when I wake up and think of how grateful I am, it creates positive emotions. I am hopeful and start the day feeling good.

Our mind in the morning is fresh and susceptible to what our thoughts are, so why not hijack this opportunity to influence our day and hence our life. How we think affects our body and alot of what we think is how we interpret things. Instead of focusing on what you are struggling with, focus on what you have accomplished in life already. Stop comparing yourself to others.

How you start your day is how you win the day.

Start your day positive

Since I have started waking up in the morning with gratitude I have felt lighter. That feeling that everything is going to be OK no matter what. It is true that there is always going to be someone worse off than you in this world, who is making the most of what they have. I am grateful for my loving husband, and proud of my two children. I am blessed with friends and family. I am grateful I have a home. Look at what’s good in your life instead of focusing on what you lack. Embrace life with what it has to offer. Life is what you make of it.

Another tip is to not let anyone or anything take control of your very first thoughts. Be it social media, texts, emails or the news. If you pick up your phone in the morning and scroll social media, your morning has started off with living someone else’s life. When you read the news, it is causing a reaction in your body. News is sensationalised to create emotion in order to sell. That’s it’s job! Responding to texts and emails before you have even got up, is starting your day with someone else’s agenda.

Analogy Time

Think of our minds like a garden. It is neutral. If you plant pumpkin seeds you will get pumpkins, if you plant strawberry seeds you will get strawberries. So if your mind is like a garden and you “plant” bad thoughts, what do you end up with? ……..Negativity. So guard your mind and filter your thoughts.

To Summarise

There are many things, as we know, that are not in our control. Therefore we should take control of those we have control of, the most important thing is our minds. Only allow in those thoughts that serve you. Be protective of your mind and the thoughts that you let in. It is the difference between a positive day and a bad day, which could mean the difference to your daily life.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on this.

Living Agelessly
