Personal Blog

As Mothers We Do Our Best

As Mothers we do our best. There is no guide book or one rule fits all, because every child, every situation is unique. We just have to act with the mother’s instinct. We feel vulnerable yet strong at the same time because we vow to protect them, yet at the same time we know we must also let them grow to be their own.

The love I felt as a mother when I first saw my baby is hard to compare to anything I’ve experienced before. The amount of love I felt when I finally met this bundle of joy, that has been growing inside of me for the best part of a year, greeted me with a screwed up face, and yet I thought she was the most beautiful 😍 thing ♥️.

When you were born

Only moments ago I was thinking “I am not going through this pain again!” and yet once you were born, all the pain and screaming was eradicated. Non-existent! Never happened! All I could do was look at you in disbelief, it felt surreal. I was now responsible for this little human. It felt like a miracle! Other mothers will understand what I mean!

The mad thing is I went through it all again! Apparently it’s called the “halo effect” where the rewards far outweighs the pain. All feelings of pain subsided when I first held my newborn in my arms, there is nothing like it.

When you both grow up

I now watch you both as you grow into adults and I want you to know that whatever you do, I support you. Don’t let anything people say affect what you want to do. Be your own person, live your life not anyone elses. We’ve all been children and have felt the pressure our elders may have either intentionally, or non-intentionally put on us. “You must work hard, go to uni, get a good job, get married, have kids”………but none of that matters if you are not happy!

The secret is, you have to figure out what it is that makes you happy? What is your version of happiness? Only you know that! A tip here is that whatever it is, you will find it within you! Don’t expect others to make you happy. First you must be happy with yourself! Discover what you want! What are you interested in? What gets you fired up? Is there something you enjoy doing that time passes and you don’t even realise?

Even better, how can you do something you enjoy and get paid for it! We all need money, that’s what makes the world go round. Money is an exchange of energy, it’s not something you hold on to. There is so much about life that I wish I had learnt when I was younger, but it is never too late for me, and it’s definitely not too late for you.

Whatever it is you just got to figure it out! Where there’s a will there’s a way!

My Mother

My mother provided us with a family home and environment for us to feel safe and secure in as we grew up. Her aim in life was to see me and my two brothers grow up and have a family and be secure financially. At 72 years old for most of her adult life she has been by my dad’s side and has always been overshadowed by his big character, so much so that we thought she would crumble after he left us in 2020.

However she has shown us strength and often counts her blessings. She has lived her life how she wanted and now she sees my brothers and I with our families, and is happy that we are still all so close by, and not having to cross continents to see each other. Her dream is to never be alone and have her family there.

As Mothers

As mothers we want our kids to be happy, no matter what! We are here to guide them and support them while we are still around, but also to leave a legacy behind that outlives us.

There are not many certainties in life but one thing for sure is, that we are not here forever. So live your best life and appreciate what you have now!

I have a handful of friends whose mothers have gone to a special place, and I feel tremendous gratitude that mine is still here 🙏❤️💛

Keep living agelessly

Kath xoxo