Live Your Day,  Mind,  Spirit

It’s Never Too Late To Start Over and Fulfil Your Dreams

hourglass on wooden frame
Photo by Ron Lach on

It’s never too late to start over, contrary to what many people think. More and more people are starting over later on in life, now than ever before. Is it time for you to start writing your next chapter? Maybe there’s a new venture you have always wanted to pursue, or is there a book in you, or maybe a new career path? Whatever it is, it’s never too late! You just have to want it enough to go for it.

Like Mel Robbin’s said, our life is like a book, it has many chapters. Some chapters may be a boring and you struggle to get through. Some may be happy and exciting that you never want to end. You are in a chapter now.

Maybe you feel the grind and feel stuck, and you’re sick of reading the same chapter over and over again. Or you are ready for a new chapter in your life but don’t know what the next chapter is about, so you just keep re-reading the one you are in. You don’t have to know what the next chapter is, you just have to start writing. Begin with a blank page and think about “what is it that you want in life?” If there was nothing holding you back, what do you dream of doing or having?

It’s never too late to start over

It’s never too late to start over. This year I am going to be 51 and I truly don’t see age as a hindrance. If anything, I feel I have more courage to go for things now, than when I was younger. I care less about what people say, doesn’t mean I don’t care, it just means certain people’s opinions don’t count. So why let them bother me! They are not my kind of people and therefore have different values to me and that’s OK. I choose to distance myself from these people to preserve my mind. Agree to disagree, there’s no right or wrong, which I think is a healthy way to look at things.

However being conscious of how long I have been around already, it does spur me on to cease the opportunity more readily than when I was younger. I am more conscious of the time we have left, more aware of how quick time goes as we get older. Hence time is precious, do not waste it. As the saying goes “better late than never”.

No one knows how long they have left to live, no point dwelling on the past, therefore we must just concentrate on the present. It’s more important to live and be able to say at the end of your life that you have lived your best life and have no regrets. That would be incredible! So what do you dream of achieving?

Dream Big!

white clouds
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Many of us don’t dream big enough! We are scared to dream big in case we fail to achieve our dream. However I have news for you, having a “big dream” sets the bar higher to what you can achieve. Therefore even if you fall short of achieving your dream, you still did great.

Also we worry about the “how” rather than “what we really want”, so our dreams become minimised. I for one, am guilty of that. I am constantly told not to focus on the “how”. Once you get clear on what you want, you will figure out the “how”. However the majority of us are not brought up to think like that. We are taught to plan every step and detail before taking the leap into the unknown.

Change the way you think

To achieve your dream you must be willing to change your beliefs which are your thoughts. If you don’t change the way you think, you cannot expect different results.

I have learnt in the last couple of years that opportunities will only present themselves when you are in the mode of taking action. When a plan is just a plan there is no momentum and therefore has no life. You need to bring your dreams to life because it is when you are in the process of taking action, that opportunities will appear. Your RAS (Reticular Activating System) will work for you as I explained in a previous blog post.

Since adopting a new way of thinking, my life has taken a turn for the better. It has been opportunity after opportunity knocking on the door, I have had to pull a few stops so that I don’t get too overwhelmed. However, I can say, I wake up with enthusiasm for my work. I love what I do. I know I want to impact people and help those that need to be guided. I don’t just want to inspire people, I want people to be “inspired into action”. I want people to take control of their own lives and change them for the better.

So do you have a dream? Ask yourself this…….if there are no limitations “what do you really want?”. What’s your dream? Start dreaming big!

The best time is now!

If you see life passing you by and you feel like the opportunity to start something new is too late, stop there now! Life is offering you a second chance to chase that dream or project, or new venture that has laid dormant long enough. It may be late but never too late. Hence this quote below –

 “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” 

Chinese proverb

So basically, “better late than never!”. Go and plant some seeds and watch it grow. You may surprise yourself.

To Summarise

If you still think that it is too late to chase your dreams, think again. That’s like saying would you rather live a life of regret? Of course not!

“It’s better to have tried and failed than live a life wondering what would’ve happened if I had tried”


If you get a chance at something, it’s the universe’s way of sending a sign to you that it’s your time! Cease the opportunity or the chance may pass you by. Don’t live a life of “what ifs”! Isn’t it better to have died trying than not trying at all. Many on their deathbed regret the things they didn’t do, not the things they did do. Don’t let that be you! Prepare to fail, then you won’t be afraid of it.

I believe living agelessly is doing the things you love no matter what age! For some of us this is not possible due to health or circumstance, however if it’s just fear standing in your way, it is all in the mind. The mind is a very powerful thing we have, and the wonderful thing is, we can take back control of it. We cannot control what happens to us but we can choose how we respond.

It is never too late to start over, start dreaming big, we are all limitless!

Keep living agelessly,

Kath xoxo