Personal Blog,  Spirit

Sometimes It’s Good To Take A Step Back

Sometimes it’s good to take a step back, in order to move forward. Often we get so wrapped up in what we are doing we forget why we are doing it. We lose focus. Stepping back doesn’t mean stopping, it just means taking a break and reassessing. Awareness is key, I can’t stress this enough.

woman wearing black and white blouse and white short standing on forest
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

Listening to your intuition

Taking a step back gives you that time to reflect and if something doesn’t feel right, it usually isn’t. It’s your intuition telling you something is out of sync. Taking a step back enables us to see things from a different perspective. It gives you a chance to pivot if necessary.

When you are driving to somewhere new and it doesn’t feel like you’re going the right direction you stop to check you are going the right way, right. Then you would make adjustments to correct yourself, you wouldn’t just stop. Our life is a journey, stepping back gives you a chance to reassess, then to pivot if it’s necessary, rather than give up. Use my “3R’s” as described in my previous blog post.

Stepping back

Stepping back means doing something different, changing up your routine, arranging a catch up with a friend, planning a day out to somewhere different. I find when I distance myself from work it has an indirect benefit on my focus. Letting go enables the flow to return. It’s like getting a breath of fresh air.

What could you do to step back from what you are doing? It doesn’t have to be work, it could be home life. Ask someone to take over for a few hours and go and do something totally different to what you would normally do. Don’t use this time to catch up with chores, that is not what I’m talking about. Treat yourself to a massage or a facial, indulge a little.

For the last month I have had days when I totally switch off from work, and I realised that the world goes on. I haven’t let anyone down or disappointed myself because I am doing it so that I can offer more of me. Someone said to me recently “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, so true.

Moving Forward

So that is exactly what I have decided to do, fill up my cup again, and I can honestly say my future plans are exciting. I have a stronger goal and I feel I am ready to take on what lies ahead. I have set massive goals that scare me and excite me at the same time. I’m told this is a good thing and am starting to believe it as I have already felt a shift in the last few weeks.

As I said, when I started this blog, I am learning just like you, and I will share what I learn on this journey. Some of it may or may not resonate with you. However I am sharing in the hope that I can inspire and change lives.

I appreciate you and thank you for reading this.

Keep living agelessly,

Kath xoxo