Live Your Day,  Personal Blog

“You Never Really Know What’s Round The Corner”

Road with a bend

Have you ever said the phrase “You Never Really Know What’s Round The Corner”. It’s probably something we’ve all said at one point or another. But we don’t actually pay attention to the true meaning of the phrase until we experience something that impacts us closely.

Shocking News

There in black and white on my cousins group chat was the message, I couldn’t believe it. My 51 year old cousin, same age as me has suffered a bleed to her brain and is unconscious, the next 24 hours are critical!

So many questions flooded my mind, “what?”, “how?”, “how is it possible?”, “is she conscious?”, “how serious is it?”, “is she going to be okay?”, “what if she doesn’t make it?”, “what about her kids?”, “when was the last time I saw her?”, “has there been a mistake?”………

This was one of my cousins, who we all used to play in the park together, who went to Sunday lunch for dim sum together, who went to Chinese school together. This was my cousin Jay, married with two teenage kids, who like me was probably hoping to retire and enjoy more free-time and holidays. My cousin, who like me, probably worked harder now for an easier life later.


Just as sudden as the initial news arrived, news of her passing came the day after. The only blessing was, that she didn’t suffer.

All of us cousins were in deep shock! You don’t realise the impact it has on you until it happens to someone really close to you! That achy feeling in your heart, the thoughts that flood your mind, the memories.

We know we are so lucky for the childhood we had. We have our parents to thank for that and to have this extended family who are always there no matter what. Although we are spread all over the world, with the internet, we are able to stay in touch at the click of a button.

How this affects us all

This has shown us that we never really know what’s round the corner. Which is why we should live our best life now! Not later! Enjoy life, and don’t let getting older be an excuse for slowing down. Just because we are growing older, it doesn’t mean we are old. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, we can do what we can now to ensure that we feel our best.

We can enjoy our life even after our 40s, 50s, or 60s and beyond. But that very much depends on our health. What’s the point of living longer when you are struggling to do the day to day things.

For over a year now I have been building this blog, building my brand, sharing my thoughts on Facebook, with the aim of spreading an important message, that we can all feel amazing as we age. This has spurred me on even more now to keep going.

As a nation we are living longer, however many of us could be nursing some sort of illness by the time we are 60 if we don’t start taking care of ourselves. I’m not afraid of dying, however I am afraid of living with a disability that will impact the quality of my life, whether it’s our body or our mind.

We must all start to take control of our health. Be it our body, mind or wellbeing.

Next week I will post my top 5 tips to start upgrading your health because we all deserve a good chance at life. Remember we only get the one stab at it.

So keep Living Agelessly

Kath xoxo