
Mindset is Everything

analysis blackboard board bubble, mindset
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What is Mindset?

Mindset is your general attitude, your thoughts and your beliefs. These influence what you do, how you feel and what you think. Mindset is everything. When I was ready to make a change, this was a good place to start. My mindset determined how I responded to situations in my daily life. I knew what good habits were, but if my mind was not in the right place, it made no difference.

There were days when I felt great and everything was going as planned. I would get up bright and early, do my morning routine and be ready for work. I would eat healthily, be productive and just feel smug all day.

Then, on other days I would get up late, dash about and go straight to work. For the rest of the day, I would feel disappointed, and just didn’t feel great about myself. I would seek comfort in foods such as crisps and chocolate, that I knew were not good for me. Then I would feel even more guilty and demotivated. My to do list for the day would be put on hold, instead I would binge watch on some series, and stay up late. “It would cheer me up”, or so I thought. Deep down I knew this wasn’t true. Yes it provided me with instant gratification but it didn’t make me feel great in the long run. However I would repeat this cycle again and again. Have you experienced similar scenarios? What’s words do you say to yourself?

Self Awareness

I realised my moods played a big part in how my day went. I became more aware of my actions and thoughts. If the day wasn’t going as planned I was too hard on myself. One bad decision would lead to another. I would feel bad and the whole day gets written off. Instead I could have just said to myself, ok what’s done is done, now move on. Do not dwell. That one packet of crisps would just be that.

A lot of the time we tend to be too hard on ourselves. If it was a friend, how would you speak to them? I know if it was me, I would tell them it was a packet of crisps. It was just a slip up. You have the rest of the day. No biggie! Slip ups are easily repaired. Don’t let them ruin the progress of a whole day or week.

I love this analogy. If you have a puncture in one tyre. Do you decide to slash the rest of the tyres. No! You fix that one puncture, right?

#Tip: Be kind to yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

I am not perfect. That’s the key, we don’t have to be perfect. We set the bar so high that it’s easy to fail. Set small goals.

Now how about an Ageless Mindset…….

The Importance of an Ageless Mindset.

Why is it, some people age quicker than others?

If you think you are old you will be right because you are what you think.

It means our thoughts are powerful and can impact our life. Hence if you think you are old, your attitude and behavior will be aligned in that way of thinking. You control what you think.

Do you ever blame the age thing if you can’t do something. “I’m too old for that” or “it’s too late to learn” something. Also when you forget something like your keys or what you went into the kitchen for, it’s the excuse you’re “getting old”. You need to stop trashing your age! Basically if you keep telling yourself you are getting too old, you will become that. Your actions and attitude form your personality.

More older people have a bad memory, but this is not just due to ageing. It is because we tend to stop learning new things as we get older. The mind is like a muscle, it’s a learning machine. You need to train it to keep it strong. “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Your mind needs to be stimulated to stay sharp. Just because we have been around a lot longer doesn’t mean our time is up. We have experience to offer.

To build a better mind you need to look after your body. Eat a brain healthy diet and work on your physical health. Learn something new and engage in a new activity. Or like me take on a new challenge! There is a lot more out there to discover, and always more to learn.

vegetables and tomatoes on cutting board, brain food for healthy mindset
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Having an Ageless Mindset

There is an ageless generation out there. They are a mix of people of all ages that are brought together due to circumstance or having similar values.

With the rising pension age there is a greater number of older people spending more time at work with younger people. Also adult children are more likely to stay living at home due to the economic climate. People of all ages come together at gyms or at various clubs, and are not defined by their age.

This group embrace a mixed community of the young and the old, keeping life vibrant. Do you mix with people of all ages? If so, you are heading in the right direction of leading an ageless lifestyle.

Live your life and forget your age.

Oscar Wilde

To Summarise my thoughts

When it comes down to mindset, have positive thoughts. Don’t let slip ups spiral out of control. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself like you would treat your friend. Be kind.

Ageing is not to be feared. Embrace ageing. Treat your mind like a muscle. Train it. Use it. Nurture it.

I think my mood plays a big part in my mindset. So I have worked towards finding out what makes me happy, and what puts me in a positive attitude.

If you have enjoyed this blog post, please share. Next post is about what could be holding you back?

Keep Living Agelessly


P.S. What topics would you like covered in future posts? Please feel free to comment or message me your feedback and ideas.

You can read more About Me here, if you haven’t already.


  • Rosa

    Cath I love what u have written , u have hit the nail on the head ,yes we do especially me sometimes if I’m feeling low I ,feel my age and it depress me .when I’m in a gd mood nothing can stop me ,I feel full of energy and half my age .

    • Kath Cheng

      Thank you Rosa for your comment. Yes, it means you are human. You can’t be happy all the time, but it helps to be aware and acknowledge what triggers those negative feelings and then do things that allow you to shift your mood. Sometimes all it takes for me is to just put some of happy music on. Find your own mood busters.
      Living agelessly

  • Katy Lai

    Thank you Kath for sharing. I too believe that having the right mindsets is the key to all things. As Henry Ford quoted, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” it all depends on your mindset.
    To me, age is just a number. I am constantly learning and pushing my boundaries to achieve my goals. Each goals maybe tiny to some, but its all about the compound effect, resulting in larger self gratifications, hence happier life.

    Thank you for your inspiration and motivational words. I look forward to reading more from you.

    With love,

    • Kath Cheng

      Yes that is one of my favourite quotes. It’s the reason why I try to remain positive and try not to allow my negative thoughts manifest. I think of how grateful I am. We are never too young to learn, someone said “Aliveness comes with learning”, so true. If you haven’t already read it, you might enjoy “The compound effect” by Darren Hardy. Keep chasing those goals. Thank you for your insightful comment.
      Living Agelessly

  • Ching Chung

    Your blog resonants so much with me! Thanks for starting it. I have to admit that until I turned 50 I never felt “old” and I’m not quite sure why that suddenly changed but since then I have noticed signs of “ageing”. I think this is “confirmation bias” in that we tend to look for evidence of what we believe and ignore evidence that contradicts otherwise. So I think I’m old so I pay attention to everything that makes me think I’m old and ignore anything that suggests I’m still “young”.
    It also fits in something I learned in medical school, and that is the difference between “disease” and “illness”. Disease refers the actual medical condition, whereas illness refers the feeling of poor health someone has. The interesting thing is that whilst it is common to have both, the proportion of each can vary. For example, you can have a lot of disease with very little illness and also lots of illness with very little objective disease, I have many examples of both these variations! I think this has parallels to your discussion on biological age (disease) and how old you feel (illness).
    Your blog has inspired to challenge my “old” mindset. I am looking forward to reading your future blogs to help point me in the right direction!

    • Kath Cheng

      Wow! Thank-you for that Ching. Love the medical take on that. Yes I think the difference is between the physical and the mental outlook. However I think its very important to work on the mental first and you should find the physical will follow. If you feel young you will act younger. However if you feel old you will definitely act old. I’m looking forward to living another 50 years, glad you are joining me on this journey.
      As always, Living Agelessly