Personal Blog

My Hobby Blogging Journey

Hello everyone! It’s been a month since I have launched my blog. My Hobby Blogging journey has been a wonderful and satisfying experience yet challenging at times. I love creating this content for you lovely people who wish to get the most out of life, while having an amazing time as you live agelessly. Below is the definition of hobby blogging that I found on google, just in case you thought I was making words up…..

“The hobby blogging phenomenon. A hobby blog is essentially a blog that is set up and populated with content for the blogger’s personal enjoyment as a hobby…..”

While I am enjoying producing the content, I also hope it will help to improve lives.

How it all began

It all started on a day when I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media apps and the quote below caught my attention………

Robin Sharma

For a couple of years I have been dipping my toes in various free mini masterclasses and never signing up for the full online course afterwards. Each time I acquired a bit of knowledge but never enough to impact my life.

Then I came across a website called Blogging FastLane. That’s when things changed. I completed the free training it offered and decided this course was for me, so I signed up. Also because coincidentally I got an unexpected windfall and took that as a sign…….Have you heard the quote “If you don’t pay, you don’t pay attention” from Dean Graziosi. Knowing I have invested that money in myself I will endeavour to give it my all. Something was definitely pulling me towards making this commitment. This course gave me the confidence to set up this blog.

I am not that familiar with all the tech stuff and I don’t really engage in much social media, so I was really diving into unknown territories. If I can do this, who knows what the possibilities are. I want to send the message out there that whatever your age, you can take on something new, as long as you are ready to go in with an open mind.

A month later

So here I am on my “hobby blogging” journey. I am loving every minute of it, fitting it in where I can while still working fulltime. It makes me get up earlier every morning just so I can work on my blog before going to work. I have set myself a target to post once a week consistently.

I have found the whole experience really interesting and didn’t realise how much knowledge it required just to get a post recognised on google. All to do with algorithms. There have been many small wins. There is a lesson learnt every day. I don’t just mean new skills but lessons I’m learning about myself as well. I am picking up skills that I have never touched on before and it feels amazing, which has improved my confidence in my own capabilities.

My blog so far

This hobby blog has enabled me to develop my passion for learning about the body, mind and spirit. Delving into how our daily lifestyle choices can affect how quick we age or promote longevity.

This month I have covered a topic on the category “Mind”, which I think is important. Specifically your Mindset. If you don’t master your mindset the rest is not sustainable. So please do the groundwork first and create strong foundations to support yourself. So if you haven’t already, you need to read my blog in chronological order to get the best results. If you follow it step by step I can guarantee you will succeed, but only if you do it the right way.

A lot of people make the mistake of diving straight in with the nutrition and training and fail to deal with their mindset. Trust me, if you do that, you might be alright for a short period but it won’t last as there will always be those limiting beliefs sneaking up. In order to be able to deal with them you need to prepare for them to resurface, like preparing for battle. Be ready to face them head on.

The next topics I will be covering are in the category “Body”, which will be to do with nutrition, fitness and self care, which I am excited about.

If you are in my facebook group you will know that I am reading “The case against sugar” by Gary Taubes. I have some knowledge that sugar is not good for us but I am hoping this book will provide a clearer insight into just how bad it is and as a consequence convince me to give it up. Watch this space…..

That’s all for this week.

Living Agelessly
