Live Your Day,  Mind,  Spirit

Taking Action On Your Life Goals

photo of woman raising both hands

Taking action on your life goals is the answer to your success. Just having goals and doing nothing is like ordering your favourite dish at a restaurant and not eating it! What a waste! Your life goals are what you desire for yourself, you have chosen them for a reason. Don’t let worrying about the “how”, stop you from taking action. The truth is, even if you don’t know how you are going to achieve your life goal, you know at least one step you can take to move towards it. So what is that one step you can take today?

If you find yourself hesitating, why are you hesitating? Notice and be aware of what is showing up? Are you afraid? Are you a worried? Are you unsure? What is the worse that can happen? What if you did nothing? How would you feel? Maybe it’s not the right goal? Questions give you answers, but only if you ask, and then listen……..

Not sure what your life goals are?

If you are still not sure what your goals are, read last weeks blog post “Why are we afraid of wanting more?”. It may help you unlock why you might be finding it hard to set a goal. Also if it will help you by learning the benefits of having a goal, read this post “Why is it important to have a goal in life?”.

Taking consistent action towards achieving your goal

Once you have decided on your life goal, you have a focus. This means you can start focusing your energy towards achieving that goal. It is important to start taking action, you don’t need to wait for the perfect time to start, because the perfect time is NOW! Just start, there is always something you can start on straight away! Consistent action is key. What small action can you do every day that will move you closer to your goal?

Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein

Be prepared

When you decide to take on something new, whether it’s new goal, a new job or a new venture, it is natural for your mind to begin having thoughts such as doubt, fear or worry. Just be aware of them, however don’t give any energy to those thoughts. Just acknowledge them and let them go.

Overthinking and procrastination are things that, up till now, may have kept you stuck. I know they have certainly been a big thing for me in the past. Now when those feelings arise I acknowledge them and I decide on a small action I can take. If I don’t do this I end up pondering on that one thing just going around in circles getting nowhere. If this is you, why don’t you try it, whenever you get stuck take ONE small action. You might like my blog post “The Hardest Thing is Getting Started”.

It’s time for change

Have you been doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results? It was Einstein that said, that is “Insanity”! Decide to do things differently, keep your mind open. If you want different results you must change what you are doing, that is a given. Ask yourself, “what is no longer working for you?”

Embrace the feeling of being uncomfortable. It’s like going to the gym and starting a new routine. It may hurt after the first few sessions however as you gradually ease into it. You increase the weights or intensity again, that’s how you get stronger. In order to grow we must be challenged. Embrace challenges and lessons that come your way, only then can you develop yourself.

So are you ready to take action on your Life Goals or to find out what you want?

Join my facebook group by clicking here for free live trainings every week that get you inspired, and feel safe in a small community where you can share your thoughts with confidence.

Or you can do nothing and nothing will change! That’s up to you!

I would just like to finish with this quote-

Your life is the sum of your actions


One last tip – remove negative things in your life to make space for the positive. Declutter your mind as well as your life in order for good things to happen. More about that in a later blog post.


Keep Living Agelessly

Kath xoxo