Self Care,  Spirit

Why Are We Afraid Of Wanting More?

Why are we afraid of wanting more? That is a good question. When we say we “want more” it conjures up an image like the one in Oliver Twist. The scene where there were gasps when he held out his empty bowl and dared to ask for “more”! Also we can be easily influenced by worrying about what people will think. People think you should be happy with what you’ve got and “wanting more” indicates you are ungrateful, but I will show you that, that is not the case.

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Many of us feel guilty for wanting more, especially as mothers. This is because we are so used to seeing to our family’s needs and rarely think of our own. Some of us most probably have never ever given it a thought.

It is may seem like “Wanting more” means we are not happy with what we have. However that is not true. Take me for example, I have a great husband and two amazing kids and we have a home and are financially secure . I went looking for more because of a feeling inside of me. I felt there was more to life after bringing up two kids and building a home. That doesn’t mean I am ungrateful. I appreciate all I have and know what fortunate position I am in. However, just because I am happy doesn’t mean I have to settle.

Also we may think that “wanting more” and “getting more” might mean we spend less time with loved one. However sometimes this can be translated into quality time when you are together. Normally spending time together was sitting together in front of the telly while you were both scrolling through your own social media accounts. Instead time together means you are both engaged in each others’ company.

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More potential

I felt that I haven’t reached my full potential and want to achieve more and that is why I am going after more. It about being unfulfilled. You must have heard the word abundance, which means there is unlimited supply. Just because you are going out to get more, doesn’t mean you are greedy. It doesn’t mean someone else gets less. There is surplus, copious amounts. We can all have more, it’s just many of us are afraid to.

We all have dreams of what we want, whether we know it or not. Some of us have just pushed it way back into our minds, where it lies buried and is waiting to either be discovered or not. That’s up to you! A lovely way I heard it described is that we are all given gifts, however we can choose whether or not to open these gifts………

Our imagination

As we grew up we had the biggest imaginations. We did a lot of roleplaying and had our pretend kitchens and cars, etc. Gradually as we entered the schooling system we were told to concentrate and stop daydreaming and therefore started to suppress our imagination. This continued all the way through to adulthood, so it’s no wonder we limit our dreams.

beach dock with palm tree
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Wanting more

Wanting more is about “self”. It has nothing to do with how you feel about others but more about how you feel inside yourself. Once you start feeling more fulfilled you start to feel better about yourself and as a consequence you end up doing more and even be more for others. So surely “wanting more” is a good thing!

The possibilities are endless. You must not limit yourself. Don’t hold back!

How to know what you want

To uncover what you want, put aside some time to sit somewhere quiet and let your mind wander. Ask yourself what is it you want? Then just surrender to your thoughts and see where it takes you. It might not come straight away. You see, our imagination is a muscle and needs to be trained. If it’s not been flexed for a while, it takes practice.

Remember your “wants” are fantasies and desires. That means they are unlimited. Be bold, be daring. You don’t need to know “how to achieve them”. You just got to really want them. Make a shopping list of your personal desires and then some professional ones if you wish. The fun is in discovering how to get them!

To Summarise

Many of us are afraid of wanting more due to guilt. Wanting to be better and feel better is not a guilty act because those who benefit, are those closest to you. Being a better person will mean a happier one, and will affect your loved ones and also people you come into contact with every day.

The idea of “wanting more” automatically makes people think of lack. However on the contrary, there is abundance and unlimited possibilities. Adopt an abundant mindset, noone has to go without. Go out there and explore your potential and keep wanting more as you grow.

That’s how you stay ageless!

I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you know someone who needs to hear this please share. It’s nice to share!

Keep Living agelessly,

Kath xoxo